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Meet Alexa

Alexa is a Psychologist with a Master's Degree in Sexology. 

It is her mission to:
  • help you prioritize your pleasure​
  • give inclusive, diverse and complete sex education at no cost
  • elevate your sex life 
I think sex is like cooking. Let me explain:
Cooking the same meal all the time isn’t sustainable, it gets boring after a while. We all need to switch it up from time to time. We’ll maybe even try a new recipe and be nervous about the result. We’ll either like it or not but it’ll be a learning experience nonetheless.

We might end up finding a new favorite food, flavor or texture 
It’s okay to like or not like different foods/ingredients. There’s usually something people hate. I personally can't stand papaya.
It’s NORMAL to not like every. single. thing.

It’s the same with sex!
Trying different positions, techniques, lubes, toys, temperatures and scenarios will 100% improve your sex life and help you keep things hot af. Doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or not, keep exploring and getting to know yourself! 

So, this is my cookbook and I’m happy to share all my recipes and tips with you! My goal is to get you talking about sex just as easily as you talk about food ◡̈ 

You'll find a blog full of articles about every topic regarding sex and relationships, a shop featuring lots of sex positive items and a section where you can ask me your own questions!

I love hearing from you and am excited to share this space with you.
Alexa x
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